Creation Care Organizations

I’ve curated some favorite groups below, and have a larger list of Christian climate groups on Twitter.

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Interfaith Power and Light is a multi-religious group explicitly focusing on global warming. Finding your state branch is a good first step for any house of worship.


Young Evangelicals for Climate Action seek to organize and empower young Christians in the US to help the church and political leaders support responsible climate policies. They host a Climate Leadership Fellows program for undergraduates.

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The Mennonite Creation Care Network is one of my favorite denominational bodies and is not limited to a Mennonite audience. Among many highlights are climate-themed retreats for pastors, suggestions to help churches re-discover connections to local environments, tips for responsible living at home or in churches, and a great small group curriculum.

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The Catholic Climate Covenant centralizes the Roman Catholic Church's many climate-themed statements and activities. They have a collection of past and present church teachings on ecology, as well as a hub for Laudato Si', Pope Francis's masterful encyclical arguing that climate change should be at the very heart of the Christian message in today's world. The CCC also operates Catholic Energies, which helps buildings practically improve their carbon footprint.

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Christian Climate Action is UK-based group that’s involved with Extinction Rebellion. They have a thoughtful resources page and a litany for the earth to use in worship services.

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Blessed Tomorrow is an ecumenical organization that focuses on providing churches with resources to address environmental issues, particularly climate change. Their one-stop climate change program for congregations is particularly helpful.

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The Center for Sustainable Climate Solutions is a Mennonite-based collaboration that seeks to highlight the violence and moral crisis of climate change. I particularly support their carbon footprint calculator and self-imposed carbon tax proposal.

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The Evangelical Environmental Network incorporates environmental concerns into their pro-life platform, seeking to raise awareness of the impact climate change and pollution has on human life.

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The Interfaith Center for Sustainable Development features resources and statements from various religious traditions. The Center also focuses on ecological education in seminaries. They also maintain a sizable collection of syllabi.

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 The Presbyterian Church (USA) operates Presbyterians for Earth Care. They wrote a guide for churches to become better stewards, are actively divesting from fossil fuels, and have a well-stocked page of creation care devotionals and worship guides.

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A Rocha is an international coalition of Christian environmental organizations. They’re one of the most truly global creation care groups, and as a result have some thoughtful materials on sustainable development.


Greenfaith: Interfaith Partners for the Environment offers practical guidelines for churches to become more sustainable, as well as resources on stewardship and environmental justice.


Sewanee's (The University of the South) School of Theology houses a Center for Religion and the Environment. The Center offers a one-week certificate in Contemplation and Care for Creation, as well as numerous courses for both students and the broader community. The Center's list of publications is brief but polished. Sewanee also offers a MA program with a concentration on Religion and the Environment.

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Yale University's School of Divinity hosts a center called the Forum of Religion and Ecology which hosts numerous resources and recent bibliographies. The Forum also offers a joint degree in Religion and Ecology with Yale's School of Forestry and Environmental Studies.

Wake Forest University's School of Divinity offers MDiv concentrations in "Food, Health, and Ecology" as well as a graduate certificate in Sustainability.


There are also somewhat smaller organizations run by the United Methodist Church (Caretakers of God's Creation), Lutheran Church (ELCA) (Lutherans Restoring Creation), United Church of Christ (Environmental Ministries), Disciples of Christ (Green Chalice), and the Quaker Earthcare Witness, as well as the National Religious Partnership for the Environment. I also like the Saint Kateri Conservation Center, a Catholic-affiliated group that houses a thorough library of ecological quotes in scripture, theology, and the church fathers.