Creation Care - Academic Resources
Religion and Ecology Syllabi
If you’re looking to pull from the collected wisdom of college and seminary classes on creation care, the Interfaith Center for Sustainable Development has a great collection of ecology in scripture and theology classes, as well as a broader selection on ecology and faith in general. Another group called Eco-Justice Ministries also hosts a compilation of eco-themed curricula for multiple age groups.
Theology and Biblical Studies Syllabi
The Wabash Center for Teaching and Learning in Theology and Religion, supported by AAR and SBL, houses what is likely the largest collection of biblical studies and theology syllabi in the US. Their Syllabus Collection Project has options to sort by topic, including religion and science, religion and animals, and environmental ethics.
Divinity Schools and Seminary programs
A few seminaries / divinity schools have given lots of attention to this issue. I like Wake Forest’s MDiv concentration in "Food, Health, and Ecology" as well as their graduate certificate in Sustainability. Yale's Divinity School hosts the Forum of Religion and Ecology and offers a joint degree in Religion and Ecology with Yale's School of Forestry and Environmental Studies. Additionally, Sewanee's (The University of the South) School of Theology houses a Center for Religion and the Environment and offers a MA program with a concentration in Religion and the Environment.